Chicago Area Music Teachers Association

Our mission statement

CAMTA strives to serve the needs of independent music teachers of all instruments, their students, and parents in the Chicagoland area. Our organization aims to promote high standards of teaching, performance, and professionalism in the music community.

Student EVENTs and Competitions

Students of CAMTA members can participate in several events throughout the year.

monthly Member Meetings

Join us for our monthly member meetings, held on the second Friday of every month from September through June at PianoForte Chicago and online on Zoom:

For January 10, 2025 (Zoom)

  • 10:00 a.m.: CAMTA Business Meeting

Kristine Konrad and Dr. Heidi Hamernik

“Discovering the Process of Reading Music: How to Teach Piano Students of All Reading Abilities”

The International DYSLEXIA Association estimates that dyslexia or reading disability occurs in 15 – 20 percent of the general population and does not discriminate based on intellect or social-economic status.   Reading ability or disability occurs along a continuum and therefore it is highly likely that most piano teachers regularly encounter these students, some with official diagnoses and some unaware of why they struggle to read.  A primary study of piano students led to the discovery that the use of intervention teaching techniques based on a multi-sensory approach significantly helped not only the student with dyslexia, but also the typical reader.  This presentation will help piano teachers and music instructors gain a better understanding of the basic neuropsychological underpinnings of reading disorders and how, from a neuropsychological standpoint, students of all reading abilities may typically approach the task of learning to read music for the piano.  The second part of the presentation will address hands-on, multisensory techniques and interventions to assist piano teachers and music instructors when teaching students with and without dyslexia.


Meet our Officers

  • Yumy Lee Kim


  • Terry Tennes

    Vice President of Programs

  • Karen Szczech

    Vice President of Publicity

  • Alessandra Odazaki

    Vice President of Membership

  • Terry Henderson


  • Kasia Szczech-Dlugosz


Become a CAMTA Member today!

If you are an independent music teacher in Chicago, then the Chicago Area Music Teachers Association (CAMTA) is for you!