11:00 a.m. Professional Development Program
Aspen Buckingham, CAMTA member & CEO of Overture Games
“Setting Your Studio Apart: New Tools and Technologies”
Aspen will present on a variety of resources and technology that can help us set our studios apart. Rather then dive deep and give a tutorial on how to use each technology, the goal is to introduce a variety of new tools that members can explore further and show off some of the core features of each tool.
Topics will likely include:
1. Unique, cutting edge music technology
2. Lesson scheduling software
3. Games for group classes
4. Helpful online tools
5. Composing and Arranging Software
Aspen Buckingham, a member of CAMTA, is the CEO of Overture Games, co-founder of Intervallic, and a graduate of the Bienen School of Music at Northwestern University with majors in music and computer science and concentrations in composition and game development. He is currently running a program teaching underserved students at the Chicago Youth Centers in South and West Chicago.