cAMTA Member Portal


Account Registration and Setup


  • You will receive an email from requesting your verification.

  • Click the blue button in the email to Verify your CAMTA membership.


  • Once verified, you will receive a second email with instructions on how to register your account.

  • Click the blue button to Create your Member Portal account.

  • The registration page will open in a browser window. Enter your supplied MTNA Member # and MTNA registered email address, then click Proceed.

  • Create a unique username and password.

  • The login page will appear.

3. LOG IN AND Enter Account Settings

  • Use your newly created username and password to log in to the Member Portal.

  • When you log in for the first time, you must complete your Account Settings before using the Portal.

    • In the address field, start typing your address and then select from the list of options that appear. This will populate the address field for you. Do not manually type in your address.

    • If you have a Unit/Suite/Apartment number, enter it manually in the provided field.

  • Hit Save.

  • IMPORTANT: Review your address details and then click the blue VERIFY button to ensure the correct information has been entered and stored in the Portal.

4. Add Students to your Student Roster

First, add students to your Student Roster. You need not add all of your students, only the ones who you are registering for SSF. You can do this by:

  • Logging into the Member Portal

  • Click Students in the left sidebar, then Add a Student

  • For each participating student, enter their name, contact email and phone number. You will only have to do this step one time for each student.

  • Hit Save

  • Repeat this process for all the students you intend to register for CAMTA events.

5. Register Students for CAMTA Events

From the left sidebar, click:

    • Events

    • Then, Active Events

    • Then, click on the Event Name.

You will then see all the student names from your Student Roster, with the REGISTER button next to them. There are more detailed instructions at the top of the event page, should you need them.

Fill out the registration form for each student and submit your payment.

6. Edit your Find a Teacher Profile (Coming Soon)

More details on the Find a Teacher Profile will published soon.

Your optional Find a Teacher profile (if enabled) will be featured publicly on the Find a Teacher database. Add your headshot, biography, teaching locations, instruments and areas of specialty.